Field Name | Keterangan | Tipe | Max. Lenght |
shipper_email* | Shipper email address | String | 50 |
consignee_account | Consignee account number (if any) (OPTIONAL) | String | 40 |
consignee_name* | Consignee name | String | 40 |
consignee_company | Consignee company name. If you need to mentioned Company name of the consignee, please stated here. If not, put the same information as consignee name. (OPTIONAL) | String | 40 |
consignee_address1* | Consignee address1 | String | 100 |
consignee_address2* | Consignee address2 | String | 100 |
consignee_kelurahan* | Consignee Sub District | String | 50 |
consignee_kecamatan* | Consignee District | String | 50 |
consignee_city* | Consignee City | String | 30 |
consignee_state* | Consignee Province | String | 30 |
consignee_zip* | Consignee Zipcode | String | 10 |
consignee_phone* | Consignee phone | String | 20 |
consignee_mobile_no | Consignee Mobile No (Optional) | String | 30 |
consignee_email | Consignee Email (Optional) | String | 50 |
desc_of_goods* | Description of goods (Detail Package) | String | 255 |
tot_package* | Total package (Default 1) | String | 4 |
actual_weight | Actual Weight of the Package (in Kg) by your scale. However, Final Chargeable weight will be based on final RPX weighing. | String | 10 |
tot_weight* | Total Chargeable Weight (in Kg) of the Package by your scale. The bigger number between actual_weight and tot_domensi will be taken as Chargeable Weight. However, Final Chargeable weight will be based on final RPX weighing. RPX Weight is always in a full (non fractional) scale. Round Up method is applied. e.q : 1.3 will be saved as 2. (Ini yang disini untuk berat) | String | 10 |
tot_declare_value | Total Paid Value of the. Please stated as full numerical without dot or comma separator. e.q : 175000 for one hundred seventy five thousand) (Ini untuk harga barang pengirim) | String | 10 |
tot_dimensi* | Total Dimension scale of the Package. RPX standard formula is (Lenght X Widht X Height)cm/6000. Just leave it blank if you are not sure. (OPTIONAL) | String | 10 |
flag_mp_spec_handling | Flag Special Handling (Y/N) Only for Order Type DA | String | 1 |
insurance | Flag Insurance (Y/N) Only for Order Type DA | String | 1 |
surcharge | Nilai Surcharge (jika ada) Only for Order Type DA | String | 10,2 |
high_value | Flag High Value goods (Y/N) Only for Order Type DA | String | 1 |
value_docs | Flag Valuable Document (Y/N) Only for Order Type DA | String | 1 |
electronic | Flag Electronic goods (Y/N) Only for Order Type DA | String | 5 |
flag_dangerous_goods | Flag Dangerous goods (Y/N) Only for Order Type DA | String | 1 |
flag_birdnest | Flag Bird Nest goods (Y/N) Only for Order Type DA | String | 1 |
declare_value | Total Value of Package which will be insuranced. Only applied if the insurance flag is Y. Please stated as full numerical without dot or comma separator. e.q : 175000 for one hundred seventy five thousand) (OPTIONAL) | String | 10,2 |
format | stated XML (or blank) for XML response, or stated JSON for JSON response. For use (|2) on request | String | 5 |
dest_store_id* | Fill with store code | String | 10 |
dest_dc_id | Fill with DC code | String | 10 |
widhtx | Fill with total width of package | String | 4 |
lengthx | Fill with total length of package | String | 4 |
heightx | Fill with total height of package. | String | 4 |
bill_trans_type_id | Inputkan 1 sebagai default | String | 4 |
rpx_box_a | Layanan tambahan box 32cm * 23cm * 30cm (Y/N) | String | 1 |
rpx_box_b | Layanan tambahan box 43cm * 37cm * 37cm (Y/N) | String | 1 |
rpx_box_c | Layanan tambahan box 54cm * 54cm * 50cm (Y/N) | String | 1 |
rpx_box_s | Layanan tambahan box 32cm * 23cm * 15cm (Y/N) | String | 1 |
Response Definition:
Field | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
awb | String | Y | Airwaybill Number (AWB) |
time | String | Y | Date time created |
Response (Success):
"err": false,
"msg": " Data Found",
"data": {
"awb": 700001390701,
"time": "2023-02-24 10:38:19"
"status_code": 200
Error Response Code:
Response | Code |
Request Not Processed | 422 |
"err": true,
"msg": "Account Incorrect",
"data": [],
"status_code": 422